Dungeness in Bloom
Although often inaccurately described as the UK's only desert, Dungeness is actually home to eclectic and unique variation of flora (and fauna), much of which is not found anywhere else in the UK and is protected as a National Nature Reserve (NNR), Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Protection Area (SPA). The distinctive landscape continuously evolves through the seasons.

A spectacular event that occurs usually by the end of May transforms the shingle beach. The warmer weather encourages the sea kale to transform from thick blue-green ruffled leaves into tiny white honey-scented flowers. These sweet smelling clouds dominate and transform the landscape, attracting a variety of pollinating insects, including bees, hoverflies and moths. This is a beautiful but brief event. Sea kale is found in many other locations and is often foraged, however foraging is forbidden in Dungeness due to its protected status.

Sea Kale & Shingle . 2006 . Dungeness © Peter Marlow Foundation
Sea Kale in Bloom . 2005 . Dungeness © Peter Marlow Foundation
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Sea Kale & Shingle . 2006 . Dungeness © Peter Marlow Foundation